Star Trek Preservations – Season 2, Episode 2, Part 3

    Star Trek: Preservations
    Star Trek: Preservations
    Star Trek Preservations - Season 2, Episode 2, Part 3

    While the captain and XO maneuver around the crew of the Faraday, Lt. Te’nari and Lt. Neelan solve the Species Epsilon detection problem with the Ten’neela Scanning Protocol. Looking for…

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      Star Trek Preservations – Season 2, Episode 2, Part 2

      Tabletop Journeys
      Tabletop Journeys
      Star Trek Preservations - Season 2, Episode 2, Part 2

      “Under Your Own Power,” Star Trek: Preservations, S2, Ep2, part 2. With the U.S.S. Faraday and her captain now in charge of the search for species Epsilon, Capt. Tobor and…

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        Star Trek Preservations – Season 2, Episode 2, Part 1

        Star Trek: Preservations
        Star Trek: Preservations
        Star Trek Preservations - Season 2, Episode 2, Part 1

        “Under Your Own Power,” Star Trek: Preservations, Season 2, Episode 2. After 3 weeks of searching, our crew has found no sign of the escaped ship carrying Species Epsilon’s brood,…

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          Star Trek Preservations – Interview with Lt. Najar

          Star Trek: Preservations
          Star Trek: Preservations
          Star Trek Preservations - Interview with Lt. Najar

          Meet Glen Myers, one of the Tabletop Journeys’ hosts and the player of Lt. Kamdrel Najar, the chief security officer of the Dilamus Christian in our actual play Star Trek:…

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