Sidequest 17 – Great Female Characters

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    Sidequest 17 - Great Female Characters

    Welcome Travelers! Today, we are bringing you a list that barely scratches the surface of great female characters throughout various media. We here at Tabletop Journeys are proud to celebrate International Women’s Day, and National Women’s Month here in the US. And honestly, we could have gone on for hours on all the amazing roles for women in the shows and movies that we love. Join in the conversation, who are your favorites?

    Show sponsored by Mr. Dave!

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    3 thoughts on “Sidequest 17 – Great Female Characters

    1. Love Glen point, I always try to play a character with different personalities so I can sort of learn what choices they make or how to see things through their eyes. It’s a great challenge and a way to understand

    2. There are a few names I missed in this episode.
      Xena, Imperator Furiosa, Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Gamora, Nebula, Lorraine Broughton (from Atomic Blonde,) and Chrisjen Avasarala (from The Expanse.)

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