Welcome Travelers! We are continuing Monster Month here at Tabletop Journeys and talking about the the latest source book to come from Wizards of the Coast, the new dragon inspired material in Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons! We spend most of the this episode talking about the character creation section of the book, and highlight what we love and some opportunities that we found. This is a must listen episode if you are looking on using this book in your campaigns, because we talk a lot about how to pull story from the content here!
We are proud to partner with the James A Hussiere College Admissions Assistance Fund to help them raise money for an incredible purpose. Their mission is to provide assistance to poor, minority, and otherwise disadvantaged individuals by helping them overcome the hurdles in applying for college, including helping to pay application fees, fill out financial aid and scholarship forms. If everyone listening to this episode right now gave $5, we would double our goal, so help us reach it by going to https://www.gofundme.com/f/jahcaaf.
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The show features brand new music from Sean at McRo Music. You can find his extensive catalog of music clips at www.patreon.com/mcromusic.
Lee you’re right, I LOVE the options for Dragonborn
did any of you happen to see that they put a firearm into magic items?
Last item listed
didn’t realize first listening that Josh called this ep 43, when it’s 44