Episode 16 – Character Advancement Options

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    Main Episodes
    Episode 16 - Character Advancement Options

    Join Lewanika and Josh as they talk about the options available to storytellers in how to advance and reward characters in your campaigns. They talk about the differences between a straight experience point system and a milestone system and also talk about the inspiration they have taken from other systems to their tables to reward players in other ways with great success!

    Show sponsored by Mr. Dave! https://www.facebook.com/DaveTheEntertainer

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    The show features brand new music from Sean at McRo Music. You can find his extensive catalog of music clips at www.patreon.com/mcromusic.

    11 thoughts on “Episode 16 – Character Advancement Options

    1. Thanks guys for another scared but love from you two! I almost forgotten about that Tzimice. I can’t even remember his name but the one moment I remember was leaning over a table with a wounded player offering him my services to “fix” him. He told me later after that scene he was terrified of me but was impressed having such a memorable scene!

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