Episode 14 – Sorcerer Origins

    Character Class Rankings
    Character Class Rankings
    Episode 14 - Sorcerer Origins

    Welcome Travelers! We asked our fans what class we should breakdown next, and you overwhelmingly said that we should tackle Sorcerer! We definitely did not agree on all the rankings, so there is plenty of awesome discussion in this episode. If you are wondering how the scoring broke down, here are the results:

    Divine Soul	6.33
Storm Sorcery	6.25
Abberant Mind	5.08
Wild Magic	4.92
Clockwork Soul	4.92
Draconic Bloodline	4.75
Shadow Magic	4.08

    We hope you enjoy, and our next poll will be coming out shortly!

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    The show features brand new music from Sean at McRo Music. You can find his extensive catalog of music clips at www.patreon.com/mcromusic.

    5 thoughts on “Episode 14 – Sorcerer Origins

    1. I agree w/all three of you about having to homebrew alot, I started playing in 1e.
      In the phb back then was a list of rules
      listed was rule zero: Have fun

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